
No Waste Christmas: Artisan Food Markets

Stop panicking about buying the perfect sustainable gift this season. Real Food Projects and Sydney Living Museums are putting together Sydney’s first Christmas Artisan Food Market.

There are now 13 days until Christmas and for a lot of people, holiday season panic is starting to set in. Sydney’s first Christmas Artisan Food Market is making it easy to get all of your sustainable Christmas shopping done in one evening by bringing over 50 local artisan food stalls into one place. That one place is Hyde Park, Barracks Museum
 on Wednesday 18 December, 4.00pm to 9.00pm

A bit more about Real Food Projects :

" Real Food connects people to the story behind their food. We are a community of friends, chefs, growers, foragers, eaters and farmers. We throw great parties and suppers, hold cooking classes and even create the occasional pop-up shop in celebration of local, seasonal and ethical food."

"We want to help people think about and understand the story behind their food by making the trip shorter between grower, maker and eater and having a lot of fun along the way."

The 1 Million Women team will be there sporting our 1 Million Women T-shirts and we would really love to see you there too!

Looking for other sustainable gift ideas? Try one of these posts:

No Waste Christmas: shop local this holiday season

No Waste Christmas: DIY Gifts & ‘Moments Not Things’ for couples

No Waste Christmas: Sustainable Purchases

What are you asking for this holiday season? Greening your wish list