
Innovative green inventions that might just change the world

Corky, the self powered little brown mouse.

Corky requires no batteries like other wireless mouse devices, but makes its own kinetic energy by scrolling, clicking, and rolling around just like any battery-operated mouse. The energy is captured and stored by piezoelectric elements within the mouse.

Adele is also considering the device’s sustainability from a systems-based approach – something we love to see in industrial design. Plans are included for regional sourcing and assembly, product take-back and recycling, and disassembly data will be easily accessible for recycling centers. That last point is important, because a big issue with electronics recycling is that disassembly information is often considered proprietary and not disclosed, which makes the process of dismantling and recycling a device difficult if not impossible.

Recycled cigarette butts turned into clothing

Chilean designer Alexandra Guerrero has discovered that  when properly sanitised, cigarette butts mixed with wool make a very durable and sustainable clothing material. I almost couldn't believe it, but here it is! 4.3 trillion butts are discarded a year; they never fully degrade and only begin to break after 12 years, according to ButtsOut , so this innovative idea is being welcomed with open arms.

Turning Dirty Cigarette Butts into Wool The Mantis project began when designer Alexandra Guerrero was preparing a graduation thesis. Ever aware of the vast amount of cigarette butts everywhere in the city of Santiago de Chile , she started thinking about what could be done with them, and came up with a way to mix the tissue of the filter with natural wool to create a rustic-looking thread that could be knitted into all kinds of garments.

What if, for $40 we could more than double someone's productivity, save energy, increase healthy and hygiene and help them break the poverty cycle? That's what this pedal-powered washing machine is helping to achieve.

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